Saturday, 25 June 2011

Rest Day Nutrition

Hey Guys! today is the second day of my diet, but this day differs in terms of diet compared to during the week which I will explain later. Currently I am weight training on monday, wednesday and friday and performing 10 minutes of cardio after each weights session, (swimming or treadmill). On tuesday and thursday I do a light session of cardio and eat slightly less carbohydrates during the day, as I will be burning less calories. However today is a rest day, therefore, as I have not damaged my muscles with weights today I will not need as many calories. I eat less calories on rest days (today and sunday) to give my body an extra edge, anyone can try this and it is a great way to loose extra fat. As you have not exercised you will not require as many carbohydrates, so when you cut back on carbs you will not be more fatigued than other days on your regime. Hope this helps!

Rest day diet: (remember this diet is tailored to me in terms of my calorie allowance)

                     9.30   3 eggs, 3 whites, oatmeal
                    12.30  chicken breast, brown rice
                                (less rice than usual by 40 grams)
                    15.15   chicken breast, 180g sweet potato
                    17.45   2 haddock fillet, wholemeal pitta bread, lettuce,
                                1 red pepper
                    20.30   1 glass skim milk, small 1/2 cup cottage cheese
                                 (great source of casein protein before bed)

This diet is similar to training days, but with less carbs, on monday I will outline my chest and shoulder workout along with training day diet so stay tuned!


Friday, 24 June 2011

24 hour fitness

Well guys, its day 1 of my 2100 calorie diet, and I can tell you it has not been easy haha! I have been craving bad carbs like mad since my diet is so strict. Fortunately today I read Mens Health (the mens fitness magazine) and it had some great muscle building meals which have good flavour but are also great for loosing fat. One meal which I think is great is their turkey chilli (recipe below). My diet consists of 5 meals a day, after 6.30 there are no carbohydrates in the diet which tempts you to bad carbs, but learn self-control and you will loose fat. I am about to have my last meal which consists of 2 haddock fillets with a small portion of broccoli, I ll keep you updated on how my diet is going.....

Thursday, 23 June 2011

The time has finally come to start fat burn mode! 23/06/2011

From my first post you will already know i haven't trained in a long time...


This fat burning program will last for a longer amount of time for different people, at present I estimate that this program will last for 12 weeks for me. I have calculated my bodyfat  percentage, how much fat I want to lose each week to maintain muscle while burning a good amount of fat each week. N.B. notice I said FAT not WEIGHT. If you loose too much weight much of it will be muscle, especially if you are natural.

These are my current photos of my body shape from front, back and side views (to let you know I am an average joe, im not a bodybuilder, I haven't trained in over 6 months, these are genuine photos and the results will be genuine, realistic and attainable for all who go on my program) Stay tuned for weekly progress picks as well as my weekly diet plan.

Side View
